The story behind the Phillip Richard Salon:
My name is Lori Hoyle and I became a hairstylist over 25 years ago as a means to support my family.After putting myself through school while raising 3 boys, working long hours for other salon owners wasn’t the most favorable situation.
After 15 years of working for other salons,I questioned where my career was going and I wanted to do more to benefit myself and secure my future. It was my father who pointed out to me that I was settling for status quo, not reaching my potential.
One thing I’ve learned is life’s situations can shape our lives depending on how we react to them.Listening to my father final advise was the best decision I’ve ever made.
My fathers’ final words of advice came in June 2000. ”You are not living up to your potential.You talk of starting up your own salon, traveling and having rental properties. Don’t be lying in a bed dying like me and not have done everything you wanted to do. Promise me that you will reach out for your dreams and make them real”
Advice well taken….THE PHILLIP RICHARD SALON opened its doors on February 6, 2001 and was named in his honor.
Thank you Dad for the motivation and thank you Dave, my husband for the support, hard work, and tools!!!
Love you both,